Marketing…Television Ads

Hello Blog Readers!

Welcome to week two of reviewing some of the greatest marketing campaigns! This week I have chosen five television ads. I especially loved the ad “Anything But Sorry” though there was language used that I personally do not use. I often think that inappropriate language is not necessary to get the point across. Yet, this ad was special in spite of it. I hope you enjoy watching these ads as much as I did!

Television Ad 1: “Anything But Sorry”

Canadian Down Syndrome Society

FCB Canada


Here is a link to the Television Ad “Anything But Sorry”

The Television ad “Anything But Sorry” features parents and children with Down’s Syndrome. The Ad begins by sharing that 9,363 North American couples had a child with Down’s Syndrome in 2018. Parents shared how they were treated when others found out they had a child with Down’s Syndrome and children with Down’s Syndrome were also featured. The objective of the ad was to change people’s perception of and reaction to parents of individuals with Down’s Syndrome and to individuals with Down’s Syndrome by highlighting the beauty of these individuals. The targeted market is everyone. The actions that individuals are encouraged to take it to realign their thinking and responses to Individuals with Down’s Syndrome. Often people do not know how to correctly respond and this ad gives encouragement and ideas on how to correctly respond and embrace both parents and individuals with Down’s Syndrome for the wonderful persons they are. The value proposition involved in this ad is to encourage value, acceptance, and inclusion for all people. “Anything But Sorry” received the Multicultural Excellence Award in 2018.

Television Ad 2: “Reinvent Mindsets – Dads”

HP Inc.

FF Creative Community


Here’s a Link to the Ad:

This ad covers unconscious bias and examples of unconscious bias by showing real Dad’s with their daughters sitting on a couch together going over interview questions and tips for women looking for a job that were found on the Internet.  They read the questions and tips aloud and then discussed them. I found this ad extremely moving. Most Dad’s want the absolute best for their daughters and seeing Dad’s and daughters reading through and reacting to examples of unconscious bias gives the viewer a new perspective. The objective of this ad was to bring awareness to unconscious bias while advertising that HP does not participate in such, but has correct hiring practices. The targeted market was young women professionals who may be looking for a place of employment where equality can be found. Individuals who watch this ad are encouraged to evaluate areas where they have unconscious bias and women are encouraged to apply for jobs at HP. The value proposition of this ad shows that HP is above the rest in hiring practices regarding women. This ad won the Multicultural Excellence Award in 2018.

Television Ad 3: “Greatest Hits”


Alma, DDB, 2017

Here is a link to the Television Ad “Greatest Hits”

This television ad shows different parts of Sprint Ads using very catchy songs throughout. It catches the eye right from the beginning highlighting multiple past ads and the diversity of people that use Sprint services. The objective of the ad is to draw attention to past success and the multitude of people that use Sprint services successfully. The targeted market seemed to be Hispanics mostly, as most of the ad is in Spanish. The ad uses both English and Spanish noting that Sprint has had one million Hispanic customers visit their stores which encourages more people to see what the success is all about, which I think is a big part of the value proposition of the product.  The “Greatest Hits” ad won the Multicultural Excellence Award in 2017.

Television Ad 4: Chinese “Your Way”

JP Morgan Chase

interTrend Communications, 2018

Here is a link to the Television ad: Chinese “Your Way”

This television ad is very short, only 29 seconds long. The ad features a successful artist that dedicates her artwork to her Father when it is displayed. The ad uses emotion between Father and Daughter to reach the viewer. Throughout the ad there is a commentator that leads one to the thought that success for this artist was because of Morgan Chase because of the features that Morgan Chase offers. For example, Morgan Chase offers online banking from one’s phone which allows for one to have more time to be successful. The objective is to get more Morgan Chase customers by offering them time saving features. The time saving features and ability to help one become successful is part of the value proposition. This television ad won the Multicultural Excellence Award in 2018.

Television Ad 5: “More than One Flavor”

Goya Foods

Dieste, Inc., 2018

This is a really cute and very short effective television ad depicted around an outdoor BBQ with adults and children. This marinade sauce is sure to be loved by everyone, young and old! The objective is to show viewers that everyone loves this sauce. The targeted market appears to be young couples who have children to prepare dinner for. As a Mom myself, I know that most young children do have some issues with eating the same foods as the adults and often moms and dads prepare something different for children to eat. The objective of this ad was to let parents know that their children would eat what they did, if they used this marinade which is also a part of the value proposition. No second meal to prepare when one uses this marinade!

3 thoughts on “Marketing…Television Ads”

  1. Kay,

    I enjoyed your review this week for it has provided great insight into what we are trying to accomplish as a class this semester. Advertisements are all over and companies need to become creative in order to gain the viewers attention. I looked over your TV ads and I agree that the Chase ad is a good one to breakdown. It is hard being a financial institution to say to the customer “I want your money,” so they have to come up with ways to gain customers through the use of emotion. The ad overall didn’t have too much to do with banking, but rather gave the viewer a sentimental aspect between father and daughter. I think they were able to achieve their goal of at least providing a “classy” ad. I am not sure if it would completely attract viewers immediately, for it is a more “quite” ad, but I think once viewed, people would appreciate it. Thank you for your review this week!

    – Paul

  2. Hello Kay

    I really enjoyed the Chase ad “Chinese Your Way”. It showed the effect an emotional ploy can have on a customer. They did very well describing the attributes of their product, online banking, and threw in the emotional part to lock the viewer in.


    Brandon Guidry

  3. Hi Kay,

    I too really enjoyed the television ad “Anything but Sorry.” I too have had someone I know who found out they were going to have a baby with down syndrome and oftentimes I feel like the correct response is unknown. This ad is a learning tool for society and how to handle situations like these. It is hard to relate to this situation if you have not dealt with it first handedly so knowing what not to say is helpful for all. Sorry is often used as a placeholder when the correct answer is unclear, and I too have been in situations where the only thing you know to say is “I’m sorry.” This ad gives context to the situation and the “why” behind not using the word sorry. I as a viewer have learned a valuable lesson here and can now continue with using correct language. I do agree that some of the more vulgar language is unnecessary to get the point across, but overall the ad was very impactful and necessary for society.

    Carter Jones

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