About Control Again
Over the last several weeks I have been posting about dilemmas that new entrepreneurs face when starting a venture. We have been delving into Noam Wasserman’s book, The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup. Expert experience has shown that early business decisions in the areas of cofounders, hires, investors, successors, and other factors generally have predictable outcomes and rewards (Wasserman, 2012). Much of the outcomes and rewards are dependent on how much control a founder is willing to give up. Wasserman (2012) states, “A founder who knows whether wealth or control is his or her primary motivation will have an easier time making decisions and can make consistent decisions that increase the chances of reaching the desired outcome- Rich or King” (Wasserman, 2012, p. 14). Founders that keep control generally have less financial success than those that relinquish control. Team building can also be dependent upon how much control a founder is willing to give to others. In order to be able to build the team needed, entrepreneurs must trust their team with a certain amount of control, which means that giving up some control will be necessary (Herrenkohl, 2010). Have you noticed how important considering control is? Control does play a major role in multiple decisions and outcomes. Deciding whether to self-fund or seek outside investors is also related to control.
Self-Fund or Outside Investors?
Self-funding one’s business is an option that entrepreneurs can choose from. By self-funding, the founder is able to keep more control over their company. To obtain outside investors, entrepreneurs must give some percentage of the company in return. The less percentage of the company that the founder owns, gives the founder less control. One issue with self-funding is that money can run out quickly. Outside funding presents a better chance of receiving an appropriate amount of funding which could launch the business into success at a much faster pace (Wasserman 2012).
All of us have probably seen an episode of Shark Tank. New entrepreneurs arrive and pitch their companies to the investors asking for a certain amount of money for a certain amount of ownership in the business venture in return. There can be quite a bit of negotiation around the percentage the founder is willing to give the investor for the money invested. From my personal observations, founders often have a difficult time giving the investors higher percentages of their companies than they had originally planned. I have more than once observed that the founders would walk out without making any deal at all because they did not want to give more control away. This scenario is an illustration of the dilemma that entrepreneurs face. Control or wealth? It seems that control or wealth follows the entrepreneur all along the path of a start-up.
No matter how much one plans, there will be challenges to face. Doing your best, from the beginning, to design your new venture, while keeping the end results in mind, is all that you can do. There may be unexpected consequences to every decision.
I am reminded of hurricane Florence that just passed through North and South Carolina. I listened with great interest many days prior. I made sure to heed the warnings and to stock up on food, water, and gas. I tied down what might fly away. Right before the hurricane was to hit, we had a thunderstorm and a lightning strike came in and damaged our home. I mean leave it up to me to have a disaster before the disaster! We lost all of our TVs, Cable Equipment, phone, router, and Internet. Come to find out, the Cable was not grounded so the lightning traveled throughout home. It required an emergency electrician. Several family members, in different rooms, were actually shocked. While I had made preparations for the hurricane, I had not prepared for a lightning strike to flow through my home. There isn’t anything that I could have done or any way for me to know that an error had been made during installation. My point, we can plan for things we know are coming in the best way we can, but there will always be surprises and unknowns to face. It’s been a week and I still have no phone or Internet so my online classes have been a real challenge. There is no way to prepare for everything. It is the same with a new business venture. Outside circumstances may surprise you!
Nevertheless, the journey is exciting! Do your best and begin!
Here’s a short video I found interesting:
Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan
Herrenkohl, Eric. How to Hire A-Players: Finding the Top People for Your Team- Even If You Don’t Have a Recruiting Department. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan
Wasserman, N. (2012). The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.