Life moves on…make sure your business does too…

Let’s pick back up from our last post where we took inspiration from the book, O My Soul by, by Tom Peters. We have been learning from the journey Peters’ life took, including times when he was ill, which forced him to take breaks and rest. Sometimes life happens and one needs down time to recover…and recover Peters (1991) did… as we can see from continuing with Chapters 15-21.

We learn from Chapters 15-21 that life does move on! Peters (1991) began his work with troubled youth (remember the inspiration came during earlier difficult times). Peters (1991) would open the first group home for teenagers in the entire world! How unlikely this might have seemed while Peters was down with illness, and yet he changed the world. It was the beginning of Betterway, an organization of his own creation, designed to help troubled youth and in doing so he created an organization that was unique from anything that existed in all the world! You may have noticed I repeated the fact he created something new that did not exist in all the world. Yes, I did repeat that fact. New Entrepreneurs have the ability to do just that, I do and so do you. Remember that it takes persistence through the tough times. Yet, you can change the world.

Moving still along, Peters (1991) married and formed a new family unit all while continuing to expand upon his organization to provide homes for a multitude of different people with different needs. Soon, in addition to the group home for the boys, he would open additional homes for others including girls and those recently released from prison. He opened a small shop and stocked the shop with items that would provide income. When items no longer were profitable to sell, he changed what he was selling. Peters (1991) shows the new entrepreneur that change is necessary and changing can be done successfully. Constantly evaluating what is working and what is not working is necessary and then taking action must follow. In addition, these chapters provide insight to trips that Peters (1991) took around the world to research how others were coming along…these others had once visited his small start-up to get ideas from him.

Several takeaways come to my mind:

Life does go on after trials…make sure you also press on!

Family life and business often happen simultaneously. Enjoy both!

Evaluate your business and then evaluate it again…make the needed changes when the changes are needed!

Research and research, never stop learning…you can learn from others, as well as, others learning from you!

Lastly, this week I want us to remember that the inspiration for the book came only after Peters (2001) was accused of crimes and was on trial for those crimes…while no new details were revealed this week, we shall continue to see how the story unfolds over the next several weeks. I keep reminding readers of this bit of information because great things can happen from less than great circumstances. This book is proof.


Peters, T. (1991). O my soul: The inside story. Elyria, OH: Betterpubpress.

One thought on “Life moves on…make sure your business does too…”

  1. Kay,

    The biggest thing I find for myself and also from what I have read from other entrepreneurial sources is the importance of persistence to keep pressing on. I appreciate you touching on a subject that is considered one of the most difficult aspects to entrepreneurship. In the times most trying, an entrepreneur requires a push in order to accomplish great things. Deep Patel, of, gives some good advice, saying to be ready for the long haul and practice consistency (the fuel of persistence). Showing up, day in and day out, is the single most important thing you can do to set yourself on a path to achieving your dreams and becoming the best entrepreneur you can be (Patel, 2017). It is always good to refresh on the importance of these factors and has helped me get through those tough times. Have a good week!

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